the last break we had, if i'm not mistaken was the merdeka replacement holiday on monday which gave us one extra day break prolonged from the ever short weekend. i've been waiting for another break and was eager to take a day's leave or two just to relax at home, away from the hustle bustle of the morning traffic. but, why waste my leave unnecessarily?
finally, after a long wait, the raya holiday is here. i had intended to do a little spring cleaning today but as i woke up in the morning, i had a much better idea. why not go unwind in the shopping mall. i haven't gone shopping for a long long time, and now it's a good time to hunt for discounted clothes, i'm sure the shopping malls would try to lure their patrons by doing a raya promotion, won't they? moreover, most of my clothes can't fit now, my belly is showing a little bulge now that i'm in 10 weeks. 10 long weeks and it's just the beginning. and my pants, oh boy! i can't button them now. even my mini skirt looks like bak chang when i wore them. it made me felt very very uncomfortable. i can't breathe properly in it! it's a good excuse to change my wardrobe now. yippie!!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
follow my conscience
i was certainly glad that i did not enter the tues, 23sep08 daily bread. it took 3 days to close the trade and it was a LOSS! a clean loss of 108 pips. duhh...thank god i followed my instinct. so i shall never enter any trade when i don't feel like it. *do not trade emotionally*, so adviced my trainer.
on the other hand, there was another daily bread on thurs 24sep08 and i felt good to take it. pop! i won 38 pips or usd35.73! nay, it didn't increase my previous ROI of 8.7% to a higher rate, coz in between, i lost 3 trades totalling to a whooping 132pips! my profit is now at 5.96% only ...sob...sob...sob...i lost 2.74% overnight. i know, this is no big deal and it can be earned back in no time.
i have another 2 more days to hit my target of 10% ROI for the month of sept. wish me luck!
on the other hand, there was another daily bread on thurs 24sep08 and i felt good to take it. pop! i won 38 pips or usd35.73! nay, it didn't increase my previous ROI of 8.7% to a higher rate, coz in between, i lost 3 trades totalling to a whooping 132pips! my profit is now at 5.96% only ...sob...sob...sob...i lost 2.74% overnight. i know, this is no big deal and it can be earned back in no time.
i have another 2 more days to hit my target of 10% ROI for the month of sept. wish me luck!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
first lost in daily bread
i entered a daily bread on 22sep08 and lost it for the first time in my live account. it costs me 119 pips of loss in total, amounting to usd88.79. however, thank godness i entered 2 lots using the downtrend abc (abc is the name of the stategy) and profitted before the daily bread loss. hence, i made a total net loss of 83 pips, amounting to usd54.87. not too bad, it's all part & parcel of forex trading... yesterday, 23sep08, there was a daily bread too but i didn't feel like trading it. it still hasn't profitted yet at the time i'm typing this post. i see that it's still a long way to go.
anyway, as of 24sep08, exactly one month into trading live, i've made a nice profit of 8.73% (usd172.78). my target is 10% monthly but this is definitely waaayyyy better than all other investment tools in the market, don't you think so?
*reminder: please go for proper forex trading classes before you start to trade. it is very very crucial*
anyway, as of 24sep08, exactly one month into trading live, i've made a nice profit of 8.73% (usd172.78). my target is 10% monthly but this is definitely waaayyyy better than all other investment tools in the market, don't you think so?
*reminder: please go for proper forex trading classes before you start to trade. it is very very crucial*
Thursday, September 18, 2008
another superb profit!
i just have to record this down! yesterday, thurs 18sep08, i won a total of 174 pips per day!!! i used only 2 strategies on 3 trades and i won all of them! this is not by sheer luck i tell you. this has proven that the strategies work! it really really works and i can't believe that me & cl, 2 investment idiots before this, could actually do this well in forex. i know it's still too early to tell as we're just less than two months into trading live account. but, with our solid trading plan and consistent quality trading, i'm sure we're one step nearer to our goal.
forex rocks!!!
forex rocks!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
shocking news!
i am utterly shocked! Lehman Brothers just filed for bankruptcy protection on 15sep08, making it the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. Merrill Lynch was bought out of trouble by Bank of America. AIG is at risk of following Lehman Brothers...oh my god!
banks & airlines are going bankrupt. what about us the small flies? can we survive the coming recession? have we prepared ourselves?
banks & airlines are going bankrupt. what about us the small flies? can we survive the coming recession? have we prepared ourselves?
Monday, September 15, 2008
sept 16, 08
today is 16sept08, or more famously known as 916. almost all malaysians have been eagerly waiting for today.
is it going to be D' day?
is it going to be D' day?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
5 years service award
i used to work as a part-time casual worker in a well-known MNC during my secondary school holiday. i made a lot of new friends who were permanent employees. some had started working for this company since after finishing form 5, or right after form 3. they were a bunch of a very loyal employees whom will only leave the company after they've retired and not earlier. this company has become their retirement place, hence the name; Axxxx Retirement Home....just kidding :)
after i have graduated, i worked elsewhere for a year and re-joined this company as a permanent staff. that's a long 5 years since after i left this company to continue my studies. i met up with my old friends again, many of whom who've spotted gray hair already, married and have a bunch of kids. some have become grandparents and some of them couldn't even remember if they've known me before. i was very curious then, how could they survive working in the same old company for so many years; from a very young chap to an old lady or man now. how can one be so super loyal to serve the same company for more than a decade and spend almost three quarter of their life & soul here? i shudder at the thought of me ending up in the same position as them.
this year, i'm going to receive my 5 years service award. time really flies like nobody's business, isn't it? i don't feel proud for serving 5 unbroken years here and my thoughts on how my dear old friends survive such a long year of service came back to my mind. i have joined the crowd unintentionally! life's too comfortable here to make a change i suppose. my brain is dead and has been in the idle mode for 5 years now.
this morning i received an e-mail from my U.S. boss congratulating me for the long service. i didn't feel good about this. this is not something to be proud of at all. something must be done to change my current situation. otherwise, i'll succumbed myself to this retirement home. *shudder again*
after i have graduated, i worked elsewhere for a year and re-joined this company as a permanent staff. that's a long 5 years since after i left this company to continue my studies. i met up with my old friends again, many of whom who've spotted gray hair already, married and have a bunch of kids. some have become grandparents and some of them couldn't even remember if they've known me before. i was very curious then, how could they survive working in the same old company for so many years; from a very young chap to an old lady or man now. how can one be so super loyal to serve the same company for more than a decade and spend almost three quarter of their life & soul here? i shudder at the thought of me ending up in the same position as them.
this year, i'm going to receive my 5 years service award. time really flies like nobody's business, isn't it? i don't feel proud for serving 5 unbroken years here and my thoughts on how my dear old friends survive such a long year of service came back to my mind. i have joined the crowd unintentionally! life's too comfortable here to make a change i suppose. my brain is dead and has been in the idle mode for 5 years now.
this morning i received an e-mail from my U.S. boss congratulating me for the long service. i didn't feel good about this. this is not something to be proud of at all. something must be done to change my current situation. otherwise, i'll succumbed myself to this retirement home. *shudder again*
a nite at the hospital again
i was in my 6th week of pregnancy when one fine day during a working day, i had an abdomen cramp! it started after i had my lunch and boy! how it scared me out of my wits when the pain didn't subside after that. i went to the loo numerous time to check for the fearful red sign - blood, but thankfully there wasn't any. however, just before i left the office and went to the loo for the last time, to my horror, there was some red discharge! although it was some slight bleeding only, i was quite worried as that was the second time i had bleeding already. i was battling whether or not to head straight to the hospital while driving home. my watch was showing 5 something, i supposed if i headed straight to the hospital, i could still catch my gynae in time. and so i did.
my gynae did a vagina ultrasound and saw an amazing heartbeat. my last trip was just a week ago and i wasn't supposed to see him until next week. last week's scan showed only one featus with no heartbeat yet. within a week, the heartbeat shows!!! how amazing!!!
anyway, my gynae said it's quite alarming to have bleeding at this stage as i might be facing the possibility of miscarriage since the featus is not that stable yet. he suggested that i admit myself to the hospital for monitoring purposes. not again! i didn't want to admit and asked him for another alternative, like taking whatever pills that could stop the pain & the bleeding or even asked for a jab from him! he said the risk if with me if i refused to admit. such words sent shivers down my spine. in the end, i agreed but asked to be allowed home to pack.
and so i got admitted to the hospital for the second time. gosh! i'm so sick of frequenting the hospital already.
my gynae did a vagina ultrasound and saw an amazing heartbeat. my last trip was just a week ago and i wasn't supposed to see him until next week. last week's scan showed only one featus with no heartbeat yet. within a week, the heartbeat shows!!! how amazing!!!
anyway, my gynae said it's quite alarming to have bleeding at this stage as i might be facing the possibility of miscarriage since the featus is not that stable yet. he suggested that i admit myself to the hospital for monitoring purposes. not again! i didn't want to admit and asked him for another alternative, like taking whatever pills that could stop the pain & the bleeding or even asked for a jab from him! he said the risk if with me if i refused to admit. such words sent shivers down my spine. in the end, i agreed but asked to be allowed home to pack.
and so i got admitted to the hospital for the second time. gosh! i'm so sick of frequenting the hospital already.
my gynae just blurted the words that i've longed to hear for so long.
and those three words are making a twist in my life already!
and those three words are making a twist in my life already!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
home alone 2
i'm at home, all alone again. cl has called to tell that he'll be having a meeting after work today. no idea what time the meeting ends. his job sucks. typical chinese taukeh who never fails to squeeze all his might to get till the very last juice he can get and to torture the most out of his employees. i hate his job and he hates it too. wait till our trading skill is strong enough, then he'll bid goodbye to this hell company. i just can't wait when the time comes. like i've said before, we're paving the road now, giving ourselves sufficient time to get ready. wish us luck *wink*
on a non-related note, this morning i woke up 10 minutes later than usual!!! i got a big shock when i suddenly jerk from my sweet dream and the clock was showing 7.25am!!! i jumped out of the bed and got myself ready. cl was already up by the time i was ready to leave the house and i told him to open the door for me. i didn't notice i had forgotten to take my house keys until i reached the office and tidied up my little key purse (the purse which i keep all my keys lar). then i quickly ym him and he brought them to work. so after work, i dropped by his workplace and got the keys from him. thank godness i purposely made a trip to get the keys, otherwise, i'll be stuck at my mum's house till god knows what time.
gotta go do laundry and watch the 9.45pm local chinese show now.
on a non-related note, this morning i woke up 10 minutes later than usual!!! i got a big shock when i suddenly jerk from my sweet dream and the clock was showing 7.25am!!! i jumped out of the bed and got myself ready. cl was already up by the time i was ready to leave the house and i told him to open the door for me. i didn't notice i had forgotten to take my house keys until i reached the office and tidied up my little key purse (the purse which i keep all my keys lar). then i quickly ym him and he brought them to work. so after work, i dropped by his workplace and got the keys from him. thank godness i purposely made a trip to get the keys, otherwise, i'll be stuck at my mum's house till god knows what time.
gotta go do laundry and watch the 9.45pm local chinese show now.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
second profit from daily bread
after waiting for 2 days, finally on wednesday, there's another daily bread again. whee!! this time i profitted only half of what i made last friday, usd54.37. nevertheless, it made me a happy happy girl!
**twirls and dances away gleefully**
**twirls and dances away gleefully**
Monday, September 8, 2008
the nasi lemak that always goes wrong
the canteen in my workplace sells nasi lemak and other varieties of delicacies every morning. before this, i seldom buy any breakfast from the canteen and just do away with the free snacks provided for employees. save money ma. however, recently, i've been eating nasi lemak and fried noodles a lot. i know these are very unhealthy food but temptation is really hard to resist at times.
thus, this morning i indulged in a packet of nasi lemak. the taste is always not consistent, sometimes the rice being too soggy; the sambal being too spicy until you can't feel the nasi lemak taste at all except the feeling that your tongue is burning with the spicyness; not enough santan being used and all other things that can go wrong with cooking a simple nasi lemak. i wonder if the cook is aware of her variety taste of nasi lemak - daily-!!!
today's nasi lemak is ... tasteless!!! when the taste is not right, i always feel cheated for paying rm1 for something that is not up to my expectation. it's like paying rm1 for a bowl of white rice with some miserable amount of ikan bilis and a miserable tiny piece of egg. proabably they cut an egg into 12 pieces!!! nevertheless, sometimes it does feel good, with everything just right. despite all these inconsistencies, i still crave for it every now & then. i guess i have a very easy tastebud.
i'm too full to think about lunch now. probably will have something light during lunch, like noodles. i wonder what kind of noodles do they sell today.
it's only tuesday. arrggghhh!!! *start counting down to weekends*...
as you can see, i'm not in the mood of working today. i can't remember when was the last time i had the mood to work. heheheee....
thus, this morning i indulged in a packet of nasi lemak. the taste is always not consistent, sometimes the rice being too soggy; the sambal being too spicy until you can't feel the nasi lemak taste at all except the feeling that your tongue is burning with the spicyness; not enough santan being used and all other things that can go wrong with cooking a simple nasi lemak. i wonder if the cook is aware of her variety taste of nasi lemak - daily-!!!
today's nasi lemak is ... tasteless!!! when the taste is not right, i always feel cheated for paying rm1 for something that is not up to my expectation. it's like paying rm1 for a bowl of white rice with some miserable amount of ikan bilis and a miserable tiny piece of egg. proabably they cut an egg into 12 pieces!!! nevertheless, sometimes it does feel good, with everything just right. despite all these inconsistencies, i still crave for it every now & then. i guess i have a very easy tastebud.
i'm too full to think about lunch now. probably will have something light during lunch, like noodles. i wonder what kind of noodles do they sell today.
it's only tuesday. arrggghhh!!! *start counting down to weekends*...
as you can see, i'm not in the mood of working today. i can't remember when was the last time i had the mood to work. heheheee....
Saturday, September 6, 2008
my silly little secret...sshhh...
i was reading sweatlee's blog and she was telling that when she was 6, she got canned by her grandma because she didn't wear panty to school. muahhhaaahhaaaaa....suddenly i thought of a funny incident of such that happened to myself.
when my sisters & i were still small, we were very close to our paternal grandma. my grandma was a very adventurous old lady. everytime before school holidays, she would have already planned ahead her trips to visit all the yee mah ku cheh a.k.a her siblings & other relatives. if my mum allowed, we would be able to tag along with her. yippie!!! no need to stay at home and do revision or do housework. my mum was a teacher, so can you imagine, we cannot escape from books even during school holidays.
i was around 5-6 yrs old when i followed grandma to go back alor setar after a trip to a grandaunt's house. we were boarding a train at that time. i wasn't used to wearing panty with pants, but grandma told me that i was a big girl already, so i needed to get used to wearing panty before my pants. and so i obeyed her and felt very uncomfortable throughout the whole journey!
when i went to pee, i forgot that i was wearing panty inside, i only took down my pants and peed! oh my god! my whole panty was drenched with urine! i quickly took it off and wore back my pants and told my grandma about it. i couldn't remember what happened after that but i was quite alert after that incident and made sure that i didn't have any panty on before doing small or big business!!
what a silly lesson learnt...hahahaaaa...
when my sisters & i were still small, we were very close to our paternal grandma. my grandma was a very adventurous old lady. everytime before school holidays, she would have already planned ahead her trips to visit all the yee mah ku cheh a.k.a her siblings & other relatives. if my mum allowed, we would be able to tag along with her. yippie!!! no need to stay at home and do revision or do housework. my mum was a teacher, so can you imagine, we cannot escape from books even during school holidays.
i was around 5-6 yrs old when i followed grandma to go back alor setar after a trip to a grandaunt's house. we were boarding a train at that time. i wasn't used to wearing panty with pants, but grandma told me that i was a big girl already, so i needed to get used to wearing panty before my pants. and so i obeyed her and felt very uncomfortable throughout the whole journey!
when i went to pee, i forgot that i was wearing panty inside, i only took down my pants and peed! oh my god! my whole panty was drenched with urine! i quickly took it off and wore back my pants and told my grandma about it. i couldn't remember what happened after that but i was quite alert after that incident and made sure that i didn't have any panty on before doing small or big business!!
what a silly lesson learnt...hahahaaaa...
The One Minute Millionaire
recently, i'm reading a book called The One Minute Millionaire, a best selling book by Mark Victor Hansen & Robert Allen. Mark Victor Hansen is the author of the famous Internationally Bestselling Chicken Soup series. I came to know about this book after joining the forex investment classes and was strongly recommend to read it. for those who are interested, this is the website:
there are some very motivational phrases which i like it very much and here's one of my favourite chapters:
"The Ninth Aha: Wealth is Freedom
Life is a seminar. You were enrolled at birth. You can't get out of it, even by dying. So enjoy it. You came into this seminar with no instruction manual. Allow this book to positively change that.
Financially you may be winning or losing just now. We want you to win. We want you to perpetuate your wins. We want you to catch what we call a "win-fection." With a win-fection, you become an unstoppable magnet that wins, and wins, and wins.
To prepare you for the seminar called "Your Life," we want to teach and inspire you to attract money, and lots of it. This is the incredibly important inaugural freedom - called money freedom. You want to have enough money so that all your future days are prepaid. You will work because you want to work, not because you have to work.
You can contribute big-time because you are no longer a wage slave, owned by your job. Because you are free to risk. When this happens, imagine the incredible difference you can make. You can expand your sense of who you really are and become the great server you were meant to be. You can set big goals. You can assemble your Dream Team(s). You can be a fully abundant person, fully functioning. You are a masterpiece in process - becoming ever better, more fulfilled, and totally happy.
Having accomplished your first evolutionary step of money freedom, you can now pass "go" and move on to time freedom. Time freedom doesn't mean you don't work, it means that your work is your play. Your play becomes your work. You savor it. You own it. Work does not own you. You feel comfortable and calm taking time off. You start by taking off an extra day here and there. You build up to taking off a week per month, or equavalently three months per year, when you can forget about work totally and completely. Yet your income continues to expand, increase, and multiply. When you return to work, you are rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready to have breakthrough ideas that will leverage you forward.
With time and money freedoms, you can pursue relationship freedom. You and your loved ones will have one of life's more precious gifts - love and time to explore it. You can go deep into your primary relationship and make it sing, whistle, hum, and dance. You have what others only dream about - the freedom to make your commitment to each other deep, poignant, meaningful, intimate, and lastingly cherishable.
You can now investigate your spiritual beingness. You can work toward achieving spiritual freedom. You can discover who you are in God and who God is in you.
Let's not forget physical freedom. Health is the ultimate wealth. With time to exercise and money to buy the finest nutrition, nutritional supplements, and health care, you can maintain for as long as humanly possible.
These five great freedoms give you Ultimate Freedom - the ability to pursue your real genius. According to groundbreaking research by Dr. Howard Gardner at Havard University, each of us has genius in us. With Ultimate Freedom you have a choice to discover your true genius and how you can uniquely apply it."
there are some very motivational phrases which i like it very much and here's one of my favourite chapters:
"The Ninth Aha: Wealth is Freedom
Life is a seminar. You were enrolled at birth. You can't get out of it, even by dying. So enjoy it. You came into this seminar with no instruction manual. Allow this book to positively change that.
Financially you may be winning or losing just now. We want you to win. We want you to perpetuate your wins. We want you to catch what we call a "win-fection." With a win-fection, you become an unstoppable magnet that wins, and wins, and wins.
To prepare you for the seminar called "Your Life," we want to teach and inspire you to attract money, and lots of it. This is the incredibly important inaugural freedom - called money freedom. You want to have enough money so that all your future days are prepaid. You will work because you want to work, not because you have to work.
You can contribute big-time because you are no longer a wage slave, owned by your job. Because you are free to risk. When this happens, imagine the incredible difference you can make. You can expand your sense of who you really are and become the great server you were meant to be. You can set big goals. You can assemble your Dream Team(s). You can be a fully abundant person, fully functioning. You are a masterpiece in process - becoming ever better, more fulfilled, and totally happy.
Having accomplished your first evolutionary step of money freedom, you can now pass "go" and move on to time freedom. Time freedom doesn't mean you don't work, it means that your work is your play. Your play becomes your work. You savor it. You own it. Work does not own you. You feel comfortable and calm taking time off. You start by taking off an extra day here and there. You build up to taking off a week per month, or equavalently three months per year, when you can forget about work totally and completely. Yet your income continues to expand, increase, and multiply. When you return to work, you are rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready to have breakthrough ideas that will leverage you forward.
With time and money freedoms, you can pursue relationship freedom. You and your loved ones will have one of life's more precious gifts - love and time to explore it. You can go deep into your primary relationship and make it sing, whistle, hum, and dance. You have what others only dream about - the freedom to make your commitment to each other deep, poignant, meaningful, intimate, and lastingly cherishable.
You can now investigate your spiritual beingness. You can work toward achieving spiritual freedom. You can discover who you are in God and who God is in you.
Let's not forget physical freedom. Health is the ultimate wealth. With time to exercise and money to buy the finest nutrition, nutritional supplements, and health care, you can maintain for as long as humanly possible.
These five great freedoms give you Ultimate Freedom - the ability to pursue your real genius. According to groundbreaking research by Dr. Howard Gardner at Havard University, each of us has genius in us. With Ultimate Freedom you have a choice to discover your true genius and how you can uniquely apply it."
i'm paving my way towards achieving these 5 great freedoms and hope that i can achieve them before my 30th birthday. wish me luck :)
Friday, September 5, 2008
my first daily bread profit!!!
daily bread here doesn't mean the bread or roti that we eat. it's one of the terms in forex trading that the forex academy master strategist creatively named his copy-righted strategy. i was hospitalized (again) due to some bleeding and was pc-less (i can't imagine i used to live without internet connection and being unrelated to any online stuff before this), let alone trading. however, the smart me asked cl to keep a close look at the market and to enter this strategy whenever the opportunity arises. we've been waiting for this opportunity for about 2 weeks already but no chance to enter any trade on this. finally, today he did and voila!!!...we profitted! our exact profit was usd108.83! what a wonderful start to my weekends.
my supper
it's raining quite heavily but i was craving for koay teow th'ng from the kopitiam just across the road from my apartment. cl said, whatever i want to eat, he will surely buy it for me :) so out he went in the rain and bought me the long-awaited koay teow th'ng. i just finished the whole bowl by myself and my tummy's bloated now. gotta stay awake for a while for the food to digest before going to bed. can it digest in 10 mins time? yawn...

can you see the cili padi floating in the clear soup? i like my koay teow th'ng that way :)
can you see the cili padi floating in the clear soup? i like my koay teow th'ng that way :)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
home alone 1
i'm all alone at home now. cl has gone to mil's house for dinner. you must be wondering why am i at home and he went back to mil's house alone.
actually mil cooked dinner; something which she has not done in ages; and called cl on his cellphone to go home for a nice home-cooked dinner. besides that, she has also boiled ginseng chicken soup, the main dish of the night (cl said it's specially for me (or for my baby? or for sil who's expecting too? - killing 2 birds with one stone?)) and wanted cl to go home to take some for me. cl told her he would be driving me home so that i could drink right from the pot, fresh & hot but she insisted that i take a good rest at home as she doesn't want me to move around too much. why am i feeling awkward about this?
so there went cl to his mum's house for dinner and me to my mum's house for dinner. strange isn't it? why didn't mil tell me to go home for dinner too? if i don't move, how am i supposed to even go to my mum's house for dinner? is her definition of not moving too much means that i cannot go out at all? i drive to & fro work, does she also mean that i shouldn't be driving or probably working at all in order to rest more?
sil said my job is to rest & sleep now. i told them in that case my house is going to breed worms for 1 year starting from now.
actually mil cooked dinner; something which she has not done in ages; and called cl on his cellphone to go home for a nice home-cooked dinner. besides that, she has also boiled ginseng chicken soup, the main dish of the night (cl said it's specially for me (or for my baby? or for sil who's expecting too? - killing 2 birds with one stone?)) and wanted cl to go home to take some for me. cl told her he would be driving me home so that i could drink right from the pot, fresh & hot but she insisted that i take a good rest at home as she doesn't want me to move around too much. why am i feeling awkward about this?
so there went cl to his mum's house for dinner and me to my mum's house for dinner. strange isn't it? why didn't mil tell me to go home for dinner too? if i don't move, how am i supposed to even go to my mum's house for dinner? is her definition of not moving too much means that i cannot go out at all? i drive to & fro work, does she also mean that i shouldn't be driving or probably working at all in order to rest more?
sil said my job is to rest & sleep now. i told them in that case my house is going to breed worms for 1 year starting from now. sore throat is killing me...!!!
i am having a terrible sore throat now, thanks to my inability to reject unhealthy but yummy food few days ago. my tummy has been having a feast since i don't know when. i have been consuming food like char koay teow, fried rice, hokkien char, claypot chicken rice, fried chicken, and all those goody good penang food like nobody's business. as a result, i had constipation for 2 days, all input no output the body sure gets heaty what.
mum came to my rescue when she brought back some bananas from grandpa's house. bananas are my saviour at times like this; my constipation is cured! too bad, it came a bit too late as i've developed slight sore throat already. am drinking lots of water now, hope it helps to cool down my body a bit.
sore throat, sore throat, please go away.
mum came to my rescue when she brought back some bananas from grandpa's house. bananas are my saviour at times like this; my constipation is cured! too bad, it came a bit too late as i've developed slight sore throat already. am drinking lots of water now, hope it helps to cool down my body a bit.
sore throat, sore throat, please go away.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
a wedding invitation that i dread to attend
my cousin will be getting married this sunday, 7sep08. i have decided not to attend it ever since I heard about the wedding months ago but dad says no way, this is a wedding of my cousin with the same surname (paternal side), so there's no reason for me to not attend it. don’t get me wrong here. i’m not saying that I dislike wedding invitations but this is an exceptional case. it's not that i am disliking this cousin of mine but it's his sister that i really hate. my extended families have more girls than boys, so we used to be very close when we were young; young as in during schooling days. this despite the fact that we only saw dad’s siblings plus their kids a.k.a my cousins few times a year, namely during chinese new year and my late grandparents’ birthdays. however, there’s this one incident that happened few years back during our usual chinese new year gathering that I developed hatred towards this particular cousin of mine. that incident has been kept in the corner of my mind and i doubt it will be erased from my memory…talk about strong hatred feeling!
it’s a custom that we had paternal family gathering on the second day of chinese new year and for few consecutive years, we had buffet lunch at one of the low-profile hotels in sungai petani. you see, i had taken a liking in photography (shame to say that my skills have not improved further :P) ever since i was a young girl. therefore on occasions like this, i would just take random pictures and sometimes, invite some cousins to snap pictures together for remembrance. most of them were ok and waited while i went to get this particular cousin. she was in the midst of taking food when i asked her to join us but she sort of ignored me and didn’t say a word. I didn’t feel anything then and presumed she will come to us when she’s finished taking whatever she wanted from the buffet spread. after waiting for some time, she just proceeded to eat, showing no sign of wanting to join us for our photo sessions. i felt disturbed but dismissed the feeling away as quickly as it came as i was thinking she might want to grab a few bites to suppress her hunger first before joining us. however, she continued to eat as if nothing happened. as a courtesy, i went over to invite her again and was all excited to click my camera away. i gladly said ‘come, let’s go to take photos.’ she didn’t budge a bit and just told me bluntly (without even looking at me!) that she didn’t want to snap any photos. full stop and she continued enjoying her food like nobody’s business. i was stunt at her abrupt response. what a rude girl! what is wrong with taking photos with your cousins? i didn’t remember us provoking her and even if she didn’t want to take photos with us, at least just have some courtesy to tell us off nicely. i got so fed up i walked away with black face and went to join my other cousins. i really can’t tolerate this kind of people who thinks highly of themselves and walk with nose in the air. what makes you feel so superior with i-don’t-know-what-you-feel-superior-with and does it disgust you if you take some moments to pose some pictures with us? what is wrong with this kind of people?!
i know it’s unfair to boycott the brother’s wedding due to such a small child play incident. i am just being childish. moreover, besides this wedding, we’re definitely not going to see them anymore for any celebrations or occasions in years to come. we barely keep in touch nowadays ever since grandpa & grandma passed away. but since this wedding is the first grandson in LIM’s family, dad is the honourable guest (is he?) and he would make sure that all of us attend and occupy a table; my family makes a perfect table of 10 minus 1.
can I escape this wedding?
it’s a custom that we had paternal family gathering on the second day of chinese new year and for few consecutive years, we had buffet lunch at one of the low-profile hotels in sungai petani. you see, i had taken a liking in photography (shame to say that my skills have not improved further :P) ever since i was a young girl. therefore on occasions like this, i would just take random pictures and sometimes, invite some cousins to snap pictures together for remembrance. most of them were ok and waited while i went to get this particular cousin. she was in the midst of taking food when i asked her to join us but she sort of ignored me and didn’t say a word. I didn’t feel anything then and presumed she will come to us when she’s finished taking whatever she wanted from the buffet spread. after waiting for some time, she just proceeded to eat, showing no sign of wanting to join us for our photo sessions. i felt disturbed but dismissed the feeling away as quickly as it came as i was thinking she might want to grab a few bites to suppress her hunger first before joining us. however, she continued to eat as if nothing happened. as a courtesy, i went over to invite her again and was all excited to click my camera away. i gladly said ‘come, let’s go to take photos.’ she didn’t budge a bit and just told me bluntly (without even looking at me!) that she didn’t want to snap any photos. full stop and she continued enjoying her food like nobody’s business. i was stunt at her abrupt response. what a rude girl! what is wrong with taking photos with your cousins? i didn’t remember us provoking her and even if she didn’t want to take photos with us, at least just have some courtesy to tell us off nicely. i got so fed up i walked away with black face and went to join my other cousins. i really can’t tolerate this kind of people who thinks highly of themselves and walk with nose in the air. what makes you feel so superior with i-don’t-know-what-you-feel-superior-with and does it disgust you if you take some moments to pose some pictures with us? what is wrong with this kind of people?!
i know it’s unfair to boycott the brother’s wedding due to such a small child play incident. i am just being childish. moreover, besides this wedding, we’re definitely not going to see them anymore for any celebrations or occasions in years to come. we barely keep in touch nowadays ever since grandpa & grandma passed away. but since this wedding is the first grandson in LIM’s family, dad is the honourable guest (is he?) and he would make sure that all of us attend and occupy a table; my family makes a perfect table of 10 minus 1.
can I escape this wedding?
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