Monday, October 13, 2008


i'm beginning to get sick of my workplace canteen food. for few months in a row, i've been eating in.

the reasons?
1) blame it on the weather - it's so freaking hot in the noon these days that i rather eat in to avoid myself from mr. sunshine. i don't like the feeling of feeling sticky & sweaty after coming back from outside lunch; it's hot one minute and cool another minute; i get headache & the idea of going home for a snooze would grow stronger then. no thanks

2) unless there's a special occasion to be celebrated, we would end up in the food court. it's always the same food court from a limited choice. eventually, i would end up eating the same food as i normally have for weekends (weekends are when i don't get proper home-cooked food; it's my mum's rest days). sigh...

3) if it's me who suggest to go out for lunch, most probably i'll be the one driving. the idea of not getting a good parking spot when i come back doesn't sound so appealing. more often than not, i gotta park far far away from the office entrance and walk all the way under the freaking hot sun to reach the entrance. by then, i would be drenched in sweat and my face, oh, don't mention it. the amount of oil coming out is enough to fry an egg. yucks!

4) eating out is so expensive nowadays, that a simple meal from the hawker centre easily costs rm5 the least, drinks included. whereas all i need to fork out eating in is just a mere rm1 the least as my company is so kind to give us a daily food subsidy of rm1.50 per head. isn't that nice? (fyi, the food subsidy has not increased since how many donkey years ago. only the food price increases over time...duhhh). how pathetic is that?

there are so many disadvantages of eating out. but still, why do i still want to eat out???

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