Monday, November 10, 2008

long lunch break

lunch with my dear friend was a long one. i left from my office at 11.35am, reached the mall around 11.50am (thanks for tailing behind 2 cars which were hogging the road), had lunch till 1.45pm and finally back to work at 2.15pm. even so, we didn't get to finish our chat as both of us have lots of stories to tell! imagine we haven't updated each other for >2 months now :P

we didn't go to sakae sushi. my friend suggested wong kok restaurant when i called her before leaving the office. i had seafood cheese baked rice with plain water :( simply because the set that i ordered came with only 2 choices of drinks; coffee & milk tea. i can't take both at this time, and i didn't want to order other drinks which are normally too sweet to my liking. plain water was a right choice as it helped washed down the generous amount of cheese from the baked rice.

my friend has gone back to her normal shape, just a little extra fat here & there but i guess that's normal considering she's not a small frame person. she told me she's got 10kg more to lose. her baby will be taken care by her sister who is a full-time housewife, so i'm waiting to see how long does one who doesn't take care of the baby herself take to go back to her normal pre-pregnancy weight. :P

i can't wait for her to go back to work so that i have one more person to chat with during work. hopefully i can get helpful baby tips from her *wink* life is gonna be all about pregnancy & baby now. but i'm loving it!

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